Everything is fake. Everything is fake? - rappers chains fake for sale
Fake People, Fake eyes, Butt ****, Fake Fake Fake Fake rappers in videos with fake models, turn on the TV and see signs infomercials false false false talk about their experiences, doctors prescribe fake medicines for diseases false, false cars, fake shoes, strings of fake, false reports, false love, false marriages, break-ups, false, false rape, murder, false, false death, governments, with the Presidents false false false false lies about the war, fictitious animals (clones), processed meat patties fake fake, fake drugs, fake police, false convictions, convicted of money, counterfeiting counterfeits, the career of falsification, misrepresentation, schools, the teaching of the history of the country false false false, false religions, false gods, false 2 rides led by a false signal that people make, said fake glasses to help another life heroes, false falseplayed by actors to show false false sights on a wrong time the wrong hands, arms, face, legs, everything is wrong in this world. What is true? Love life. The ratio is 1000:2
Is this not working?
ummm u have to accept in order to build what u HUN U sound very sad, in a world all around U and Ur mind to believe u happy, u know that U are wrong, it's so important? I think it is:)
Life is too short to think about the details "is wrong or not live," and happy before the capture of "away from U:)
Err, including the love of counterfeits. : O But the life that can not be faked, of course, no matter what! So live your life as best you can.
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